Supplementation, Recirculation, Bioenergy, Vinhoto, Reactor UASBAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the anaerobic co-digestion of sugarcane vinasse with dairy cattle wastewater. During the ethanol distillation process, significant quantities of vinasse are produced, which must be treated in an appropriate manner for a sustainable ethanol production, which can be used in anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. To evaluate anaerobic digestion, two reactors upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) were used, in series, with effluent recirculation, which allowed the accumulation of alkalinity, correcting the pH of the influent and improving the ratios AVT / AT and AI / AP. The addition of dairy cattle wastewater allowed a satisfactory nutritional adequacy for anaerobic digestion. The COD removal efficiency for the system was 76.7%, with a specific methane production of 0.15 LCH4(gDQOremoved)-1.
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