


Urochloa decumbens, Speed of germination index, Seed technology


Technologies that help the germination process of tropical forage grasses are very important. The use of substances present in compounds as algae extract can benefit the environment and germination characteristics. Inside this context this research aimed to evaluate the effect of water solutions with different concentrations of algae extract (AE) in the germination and early growth of Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Faculdades ITES/Taquaritinga, SP, under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. The experimental design was complete randomized with six treatments (extract concentrations) and six replicates using plastic Gerbox® with 15 seeds each one. The treatments were: T1- 0.00% of AE; T2- 0.20% of AE; T3- 0.40% of AE; T4- 0.60% of AE; T5- 0.80% of AE and T6- 1.00% of AE. Seedlings with radicle and radicle and shoot were recorded daily. Fifteen days after the beginning of experiment the length (cm) of root and shoot were measured. Speed of germination index (SGI), germination percentage (G%) and germination speed (GS) were calculated. The means were compared by Tukey´s test at probability of 5%. Treatment T3 presented longer root length (2.24 cm) and shoot length (2.86 cm). The AE concentration had negative relation with germination and development. The conclusion indicates that algae extract promoted best seed germination and early growth of seedlings of Urochloa decumbens cv Basilisk until the solution of AE until concentration 0.40%.


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How to Cite

Lavezzo, A. B., Botassini, M. P., Rodrigues, A. D., & Zera, F. S. (2020). ALGA EXTRACT IN GERMINATION AND INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAQUIÁRIA WEED DECUMBENS CV. BASILISK. Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 1(1), 9–13.