
  • Jaqueline Acosta do Prado Estudante do curso de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental pela Faculdade Nilo De Stéfani de Jaboticabal (Fatec-JB) – São Paulo – Brasil.
  • Fernando Antônio Bataghin Prof. Dr. da Faculdade Nilo De Stéfani de Jaboticabal (Fatec-JB) – São Paulo – Brasil.



Urban afforestation, Green waste, Wood chipper, Implantation


The need and the increase of urban afforestation corroborate with a greater number of prunings and possible tree suppressions, increasing the amount of green waste generated that need a correct disposal and use. What can also be taken into account is that by crushing and using this waste for soil improvement, the volume of green branches and leaves improperly discarded in landfills, oxidizing material and one of the major causes of sanitary fires, decreases. This work aims to evaluate and enumerate the benefits that the implantation of the branch crusher in the municipalities. It was developed through a bibliographic review followed by a case study in Itápolis-SP. In view of the environmental benefits linked to the use of the branch crusher in the municipalities and evaluating the implementation of the branch crusher in the municipality, since the implementation until September 2020, 1,796.200 kg of green waste were separated and crushed. The use of the shredded waste was destined to rural and urban gardens, recovery of degraded Permanent Preservation Areas and in rural productions. The incentive and implementation of this technology in other municipalities can be an important measure to reduce the volume of this type of waste destined to landfills as well as provide the return of these nutrients to cycling.


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How to Cite

Acosta do Prado, J., & Antônio Bataghin, F. (2020). IMPLEMENTATION OF A BRANCH CRUSHER IN THE MUNICIPALITIES AND USE OF GREEN WASTE FOR SOIL IMPROVEMENT AND RECOVERY . Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 1(1), 100–104.