Awareness, Preservation, Health, TransmissibilityAbstract
With the growth of the human population and the consequent risks/impacts associated with it, there are also studies related to its preservation and means of diminishing elements that can affect the quality of life of the population. It is estimated that in a few years a significant increase in the proliferation of diseases and disorderly transmissibility may lead to serious sequelae or even death. As an important aspect, it is necessary that we continue to make the population aware of the correct disposal, which in the 21st century is still not taken seriously. The population's bad education in this regard is noticeable, which in addition to pollution, can cause deleterious effects on the environment (e.g. floods, deaths of land and water animals, acid rain, food contamination). In this work we discuss the management of basic health unit waste, such as sustainable attitude and environmental education.
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