Antimicrobial action of commercial extract in the fermentation process




Quebra pedra. Controle. Contaminação.


Ethanol is an alternative and renewable fuel produced from the fermentation of sucrose found in sugarcane. Despite the application of sterilization techniques, contamination by undesirable microorganisms can occur in the fermentation process. This can lead to low productivity and reduced product quality. The industry as a way to control this contamination makes use of antibiotics, but these leave residues inside the yeast cells, which makes their subsequent sale and use in animal feed impossible. Given the importance in the industry of finding an agent with adequate antimicrobial action, the present work aims to contribute to the knowledge in search of a commercial antimicrobial agent with plant extract that is efficient and effective. The objective of this work, through literature review and laboratory tests, is to evaluate the possible antimicrobial action of the stone-breaker extract as an alternative in the control of infection in the fermentation process. Since stonebreaker is efficient to treat bacterial infections in humans, the work questions whether stonebreaker extract will have the same benefit for the industry. After analyzing the solubility, the present study concluded that the use of the fragrant extract in encapsulated dry form is unfeasible for the industry because it is practically insoluble and will not allow a verification of antimicrobial action.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, L. B., & Salaro, M. C. F. (2023). Antimicrobial action of commercial extract in the fermentation process. Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 2(1), 66–70.



Simpósio - Biocombustíveis e Química