Biofuels, Renewable energy, Urban solid wasteAbstract
The biogas energy recovery is associated to the growing demand for renewable fuels and the diversification of the energy matrix. The present work aims at the synthesis of biodiesel (via ethyl route) from residual frying oil. Anhydrous alcohol, precursor to biodiesel, was produced by the alcoholic fermentation of hydrolyzed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). The biodiesel synthesis, in turn, was carried out via transesterification, using the anhydrous ethanol produced added to the oil preliminarily treated in a batch stirring reactor in the proportion 3:1 (ethanol: oil). The reaction took place at a temperature of 50ºC and the process was catalyzed by KOH (2% w/w) with a final process yield of 61.5%. Biodiesel was analyzed according to color and appearance parameters (clear and free from impurities), acidity index (0.42 mgKOH/g) and specific gravity at 20ºC (882 kg/m³). The final values of these parameters are within the limits specified by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP Resolution 45/2014). In addition to minimizing the volume of household waste oil disposed of incorrectly, the use of frying oil in the production of biodiesel represents an alternative and low-cost substrate as a sustainable energy source.
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