A case study about the importance to know the entrepreneurial behaviors




Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Behaviors, Business, Entrepreneur profile


The main objective of this article is to present a general approach about the concepts of entrepreneurship, portraying the main characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior and to ask all participants about their level of understanding before and after receiving guidelines on how an entrepreneur should behave and whether he believes he would have a better chance of starting a new business with the knowledge acquired later. Quotes from different authors were used and the studies of professor David McClelland about the characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior were presented to enable them to feel more confident and assertive in decision making.


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How to Cite

Buzoli, A. C., & Buzoli, F. I. (2020). ARE WE ENTREPRENEURS? A case study about the importance to know the entrepreneurial behaviors. Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 1(1), 150–155.