Soybean molasses, Anaerobic treatment, UASB reactor, AABR reactor, BiogasAbstract
Soybean production occupies a significant part of the world´s arable land, especially in developing countries such as Brazil and Argentina. Soybean goods production generated a great number of byproducts without effective commercial value like the soybean molasses. The purpose of this work is to analyze and compare the treatability this byproduct in two low-cost reactors: AABR and UASB. Both reactors were seeded with granular inoculum and operated at mesophilic conditions (20 – 30°C). COD removal efficiency higher than 80% and 91% was obtained in the UASB and AABR, respectively. Maximum mean biomethane yield of 376.2 mLCH4 gCOD-1 was obtained at COD concentration of 4,000 mg L-1 in the UASB while biogas production was theoretically estimated reaching 468 mLCH4 gCOD-1 at COD concentration of 6,000 mg L-1 in the AABR.The results demonstrated that soybean molasses can be efficient biologic treated as well as biogas with high methane content can be produced.
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