Cane, Distilled, Legislation, Regional, LabelAbstract
Cachaça is a typicalBrazilian drink and is characterized by being distilled yeast. Labelling is the process that establishes indispensable information about the product, being communication between beverage manufacturers and consumers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of the labeling of cachaças commercialized in the city of Ituiutaba-MG. The work was carried out in the period of September 2019. Compliance with the determinations established by Brazilian legislation regarding the labeling of 12 brands of cachaça, acquired in commercial establishments, was evaluated. The label analysis revealed that half of the brands were at odds with current legislation. One sample did not present: the product registration number in MAPA, the list of ingredients, the alcoholic graduation and did not specify the identification of sweetened cachaça. Four did not present the specific batch number. All the marks contained identification of the validity of the cachaças. The lack of information on beverage labels can contribute to consumer rejection. It can be inferred that there is a need to reconcile the descriptions present on the labels with the mandatory information required by the current standards, in order to improve the clarification to the consumer and control through tracking.
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