Sustainability, Environment, City, Urban Environmental PlanningAbstract
In urban environments, disorderly growth combined with lack of management and management can bring permanent consequences to the population and negative environmental impacts. The objective of this work was to analyze the existing conflicts between urban afforestation and man-made components. The study area was the city of Jaboticabal, SP, performing the diagnosis of urban afforestation by surveying data from different urban elements to identify the existence of conflicts between plant species and urban physical elements. It was observed the presence of several conflicts in arboreal individuals, often compromising their integrity and plant health. In urban afforestation, in relation to the conflicts related to the electric wiring, 57% did not present conflicts, 1.3% the electric wiring was below the tree crown, 13.03%, presented electric wiring in the middle of the crown and 28.66% presented electric wiring above the crown. The conflicts present with the vegetal species and the buildings, the illumination, promenade area, with traffic signs and with other trees presented a frequency of 19.54%; 5.86%; 9.45%; 1.95% and 17.92%, respectively. This survey allows the orientation of environmental planning actions for this important component of the urban landscape.
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