
  • Fernanda de Freitas Borges Profa. Dra. da Faculdade Nilo De Stéfani de Jaboticabal (Fatec-JB) – São Paulo – Brasil




Agriculture, Wastes emissions, Indicators, Environmental impacts, Use of natural resources, Sustainable development goals


With the need to increase the productivity of food and consumer goods and at the same time conserve natural resources, it is necessary to combine concepts and techniques with agriculture that include the dimensions of sustainability. In this sense, aligning production sustainability indicators can be a way of meeting market and society demand and at the same time conserving the environment for future generations. The objective of this work was to develop environmental sustainability indicators that can be used to evaluate agricultural production systems. They reflect the use of natural resources (soil, water, and inputs), waste emission (gases, solid waste, and water quality) and impacts on the environment (habitats, biodiversity, and exotic species). The use of indicators is a simple and quick way to assess the sustainability of an agricultural production system. The analysis can be done online by filling out a questionnaire closed by the producer. It can be used in case studies of different regions of the country with different characteristics as it has universal coverage.


BORGES, F. F. Certificação ambiental e indicadores de sustentabilidade da agricultura. Ciência & Tecnologia: FATEC-JB, Jaboticabal (SP), v. 12, n. 1, p. x-x, 2020.

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How to Cite

Borges, F. de F. . (2020). ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 1(1), 208–212. https://doi.org/10.52138/sitec.v11i1.149



Resumos expandidos - Sustentabilidade nos sistemas de produção