



Selenastrum bibrainum, Biofuels, Growth of algae, Biomass


Biofuels have gained space in the market, with emphasis on microalgae biodiesel, which has much higher productivity than terrestrial agricultural crops. In the Jaboticabal region, there is a predominance of sugar cane fields and sugar and alcohol agro-industrial units, which requires a large amount of vinasse. Microalgae can be a solution, since it is a cleaner energy through the production of biodiesel with its oil. The objective of this work is to cultivate a Selenastrum bibrainum microalgae in a culture medium composed of vinasse under conditions of low light intensity (1350 Lux). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with five vinasses (0; 2.5; 5; 7.5 and 10% vinasse) with four replications. A Selenastrum bibrainum microalgae can be grown in medium with vinasse. The best concentration found of 7.5% of stillage. 


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How to Cite

Sisto , P. C. ., Pinheiro , B. P. ., Carlos, W. F. do P. de, Jardim, C. A. ., & Franco, C. F. (2020). MICROALGAE PRODUCTIVITY IN VINASSE WITH LOW LIGHT INTENSITY . Simpósio De Tecnologia Fatec Jaboticabal, 1(1), 50–54. https://doi.org/10.52138/sitec.v11i1.161