positive impacts that contribute to specific causes
Marketing, Social marketing, Skills, Socio-emotionalAbstract
The objective of this work was to develop a Social Marketing project with the purpose of contributing to an institution in Jaboticabal-SP-Brazil, called Casa Maria, which welcomes women in social vulnerability. The procedures used were applied research, developed through bibliographic review and action research. As results it was possible to collect all the products that this institution needed. It was concluded that, in addition to the results being achieved, it was possible to experience a real situation of theoretical-practical learning, inherent to desirable skills and abilities, including socio-emotional skills, so important for the marketing professional. It was also concluded that social marketing, besides being an excellent opportunity for organizations, in the sense that a set of actions ensures their visibility, is also a methodology that can meet various needs, in the areas of education, health and transportation, which are among the basic needs.
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