In search of continuous improvements to meet an increasingly demanding market as companies seek to develop and apply quality engineering tools. These tools, when applied efficiently, make it possible to solve problems as well as avoid waste, increase production and reduce costs. A sugarcane plant located in Nova Europa-SP, a sugar producer and simplifying its sugar production to increase financial gain, proposed the application of the SEIS SIGMA methodology through the DMAIC tool for the 20/21 harvest. The general objective of this study is to apply and evaluate the use of the DMAIC method, Define (define), Measure (measure), Analyze (analyze), Improve (improve) and Control (control) as well as its effectiveness in the production process. For this purpose, a team was appointed and monthly meetings were held to apply, monitor and control the actions defined in the plan, following a structured script. Brainstorming was carried out with the main causes that directly impact the drop in production. Through the 5 whys tool it was possible to locate the root cause of the problem and an impact x effort matrix it was possible to prioritize the problems to be solved. An action plan was then drawn up in accordance with the DMAIC method, which made it possible to increase sugar production, surpassing the initial planning.
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