comparison between Brazil and Mexico
Export, International Business, Brazilian economy, Mexican economyAbstract
Brazil and Mexico are the two main economies in DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci America, similar in many respects: they were colonies of exploitation of Iberian countries, are relatively young democracies, have a large area and are populous. Thus, it is believed that a comparison between Brazilian and Mexican exports becomes more pertinent than a comparison between two antagonistic countries. Thus, this study aimed to present the characteristics of the exports of the two countries, in relation to the products that compose their exports and to the countries that receive them, analyzing the implications of the strategies that each country adopts. The analyses were based on data on the countries' exports. The study highlighted that the two countries analyzed decided to be part of economic blocs. In MERCOSUR, Brazil is the country that stands out most, both in economic and political relations. Despite this regional leadership, Brazil is not even among the twenty countries that export the most in the world, and its exports are based on agricultural and mineral products. Mexico, on the other hand, is part of NAFTA and has more significant numbers in the volume of exports. The country prioritized agreements mainly with the United States, generating an almost total dependence on its neighbor. However, it boosted the export of industrialized products, with higher added value. Through the work it was concluded that Brazil's strategy to diversify its trading partners is less risky. However, this country still lacks greater commitment to export products with higher added value, which would result in an increase in the financial volume of the operation.
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