Use of glycerin in strategies against Aedes aegypti mosquito
the technological scenario
Aedes aegypti, Glycerol, Public health, Dengue, Entomology, SustentabilityAbstract
We noted many companies and research studies having taken place in the development of more vigilant technologies to combat and control the Aedes aegypti mosquito, through the traps containing organic evidence development to enhance this attractiveness. And one of these possibilities is industrial residual glycerin. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the technological scenario from the patent prospecting on use of glycerin in strategies against the Aedes aegypti mosquito, using a free recovery of patents with international coverage tool, The Lens. The analysis of dominant technologies presented in patents illustrated by means of CPC codes showed development in biocidal, repellent and present substances based on glycerin. Also, glycerin has been widely used by companies and institutions in strategies against Aedes aegypti mosquito, and could become a potential liquid product used in monitoring traps.
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